Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

35 Weeks!

Well we are finally 35 weeks which means that at 37 weeks we could technically have a baby! Who knows when she will arrive though... but thats okay.... Im running out of patience I'm at the point of I want to see who she's going to look like and just have her out so we can play with her and dress her up. everyone keeps telling me that I will go early based on the fact that she has already turned and has dropped. So really it could only be a matter of time before we go. I have her diaper bag all packed up and ready to go now i just need to pack my bag and we'll be set. Cory's going up to the diamond nationals Oct 9-10 in Minnesota so i'll be alone and i'm just hoping that nothing happens while he's away because I know how much this tournament means to him. But we have told enough people that if something would happen he could hopefully get a quick flight back to Wichita and then his friend could drive back here. But anyways.... We just got back last night from a quick trip to Kansas City for a karate tournament and Cory placed first in everything so that was a good get away before the baby comes. Today I really think i'm going to finish up the nursery and pack my bag for the hospital. Well thats about it.... it's officially Fall now so Happy Fall!!

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