Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Madyson Rose

Well she's here.... after a long, tiring labor she arrived at 10:47Pm on 10/22/09. We arrived at the hospital on Thursday at 5:30Am and the nurses were waiting for us.... they hooked me up to the IV and started pitocin right away. Then it became a waiting game... i started having contractions which didnt feel like much right away. About 7:30 Dr. Neuschafer came in the room and broke my water then the contractions really started hurting. I was having contractions every 45-55 seconds... it was rough. The nurses said i could not have an epidural til i was at least 3 cm along. So, we waited...... and waited..... 7 hours later i finally was a 3. Got the epidural and life was great after that!! :) Then it still took about 5-6 hours to get to 10cm dilated. So, about 10:00 the nurses checked me and said okay we are gonna start pushing.... So i pushed for 45 minutes and out she came! :) It was quite the experience to say the least luckily Cory was a really great support and was helping me breathe through everything. Here's some pictures...
Madyson Rose 8 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches long!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Its Official!!

We have an induction date set up for October 22nd!!!! So miss Madyson will be here soon!!!! I will be 38 weeks this Thursday so when she comes i'll be 39 weeks!! The dr is actually out of town on our due date.. So we deicded to be induced to have him be our doctor!!!
More updates when the times comes...
Heres me at 37 weeks.......
Large and ready....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

36 Weeks!!

Today marks 36 weeks!! Yay!!!! Feeling tired and big and just wanting to be done and have the baby out!!! Soon enough. Cory's heading up to the diamond nationals next weekend.. so im going to go shopping for just a few more baby items and i think we'll be set!! :) Next Dr appt is Oct 6th... So we'll see if i've made any progress!
Here's a pic of me at 35 weeks..... Lovely I know!!!