Well she's here.... after a long, tiring labor she arrived at 10:47Pm on 10/22/09. We arrived at the hospital on Thursday at 5:30Am and the nurses were waiting for us.... they hooked me up to the IV and started pitocin right away. Then it became a waiting game... i started having contractions which didnt feel like much right away. About 7:30 Dr. Neuschafer came in the room and broke my water then the contractions really started hurting. I was having contractions every 45-55 seconds... it was rough. The nurses said i could not have an epidural til i was at least 3 cm along. So, we waited...... and waited..... 7 hours later i finally was a 3. Got the epidural and life was great after that!! :) Then it still took about 5-6 hours to get to 10cm dilated. So, about 10:00 the nurses checked me and said okay we are gonna start pushing.... So i pushed for 45 minutes and out she came! :) It was quite the experience to say the least luckily Cory was a really great support and was helping me breathe through everything. Here's some pictures...
Madyson Rose
8 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches long!

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