Well we are in Colorado Springs.. have been since Wednesday evening. We are here because the State Games of America are being held here and Cory compete's tomorrow in the Martial Arts part of the tournament. We have been really busy being tourists. I wasnt to sure how this trip was going to be because of the evelation and being pregnant. But it really hasnt affected me at all.
Thursday morning we went to Pike's Peak I made it up to the stop before the summit... which is 11,000 feet! Yay! Cory and Phyllis went up to the summit and Brenda and I stayed at the 11,000 feet stop. I never once felt sick or hard of breathing. Which was good. Scary driving down because it was foggy, cloudy and rainy and very skinny corkscrew turns. But we made it. Then last night was the opening ceremonies for the State Games of America held at the World Arena. Cory got to walk in the parade of athletes for the state of Kansas which was cool!
Friday (today) we got up and we heading to Royal Gorge and we were there pretty much all day. We had a train ride through the gorge. Then we got to go up to the bridge and walk across. That was an amazing view.

Tomorrow is Cory's tournament and then we are planning on going to Seven Falls which is a huge waterfall and at night they put lights on the waterfall and its gorgous.
I'm 27 weeks along now and feeling great. Feeling kinda big and just blah but oh well.. i keep looking at the fact of I only have 13 weeks left. Which really isnt much. I am in the middle of trying to plan for our baby shower.

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