Well Cory took Chris and I out last night for a few drinks. We were planning on going to McGraws but we went past and the parking lot was quite empty. So we drive around some more and went back to mcgraws parking lot still empty. We then ended up at Grand Slam which is at the Grand Praire hotel. We thankfully got there intime and found chairs at hte bar. Pretty much after we got there the bar got full and a DJ started. It was a fun time. Cory was our DD so he only had a Appltini which was very good if i say so myself. and then I had 5 captian and Cokes and then chris had a appletini, Captian and Coke, 42 ounce Long Island Iced tea, and then abpout a 20 ounce Long iSland iced tea. I was gone 3 sheets to the wind Cory had his hands full trying to get Chris and I into the house last night. apparently we are both really happy drunks. Oh well... It was a fun time... Need to get everyone from the wedding together again and head to Mcgraws or back to Grand Slam. We are trying to plan something for Cory's Birthday weekend Which is February 8th... He wants to start out at Hooters probably in wichita and head out to Grand Slam or somewhere else and he wants lots of people there!!! So plan on coming!! :)
Here's a pciture of me when i got home last night... notice how im hanging onto the counter for balance!!! 
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