We went out Saturday night again to Grand Slam... it was quite fun!!! Here's a few pictures!!! :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
So last night's show really got to me. I dont know why but I was in tears... Guess I just really got into it! I love that show.... Cory seems to think its not about the hospital and patients anymore its more like who's hooking up with who... But oh well... He doesnt watch is regularly so he doesnt know whats going on. Whats going on with Izzy and Denny?? I dont understand it because he's dead... so is she going dillusional or what??? Also, I can't wait til McDreamy Proposes.... Oh thats soooooo exciting!!! :) Also next episode McDreamy's ex wife comes back which her show is now Private Practice... so that should be a good one!!
I've also been watching "The Bachelor" on Monday nights. Anyone else watching it?? The bachelor is Jason who got dumped from DeAnna when she was bachelorette. Apparently DeAnna comes back in this show at some point to try and convince Jason that she is right for him. I hope he doesnt choose her and he chooses either Stephanie or Shannon... They are my favorites right now!!!
Alright I know I have no life that I'm typing a random blog about tv shows... but what else you gonna do when the tempurature outside changes 40 degrees in a matter of 24 hours......
Let's see... Today we both worked and then I drove my nicely fixed car to Wichita to meet up with Cory and we worked out together at the Cessna fitness center. I prefer to work out over there because there's a pool and seems easier to work out. Anyways then we were going to go to dinner after working out but went past a few resurants in Maize and everything was packed solid... So we came back to Hutch and ate at China Star which was really good tonight!!
This weekend we are getting together with some of Cory's old school buds when graduated with... It will be nice to meet them and Cory to reconnect with old friends! It's going to be cold this weekend so we will probably be inside most of the weekend but thats okay too. We have lots of cleaning to do around here... kinda have lots of piles of stuff.... Oh well!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
My car is finally fixed!!!!
BEFORE: not looking so hot
Well asmost of you know my car got hit at the Cessna Parking lot back in October when Cory and I flew to Minneapolis for the weekend. Well I hadnt been driving it because of the dent. well the past couple months and very few times i had driven it to work (about 5 miles) i notced the tempruature gage would get a bit hot. Well I finally took it to work one day because i was going to go get a oil change after work at Midas. So i'm driving to work and all of a sudden the temperautre goes stragitht to hot and the thermoter light comes on and then the water coolant light comes on... luckily i was only about a mile away from work... i drove it there... had cory come meet me after work and drove it to midas... They then called us the next day and told us that the water pump was leaking and a belt was cracked.... they wanted $400 for it ... So Cory had them just change the oil on it and then we would take care of the rest with someone else for cheaper. So we went to this little dude Richard and he fixed everything.. well actually he said the water pump was not leaking... he pressurized the system, he even took teh dent out!!! :) I drove my car today and everythingw as fien again!! So here's a before picture and here's aafter picture of everything!! Looks 100% better and Ricahrd was cheap about $80 for everything... Can't complain about that!! :)

AFTER: :) YAY!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Change of Weekend Plans
Well we didnt get to go to Kansas City like we had hoped due to working later than we thought and not being able to leave til about 9:00 at night. So we came to Wichita and stayed the weekend. We stayed at the Holiday Inn and Suites its a very nice hotel however I got yelled at because there's not whirlpool and there's an outdoor pool. I told Cory next time he can pick the hotel out then. Oh well. It's still very nice. Saturday we went to East towne mall and shopped.. got a few things. Then came back to the hotel took a nap got ready to go to Supper at Hooters. Then we went to a new dance club called Fuzion. It was a very cool place. Cory bought me a captain and coke... chris came with us and he was just a drinking up a storm. Chris was even asking other tables to go and dance with him.. it was kinda funny. I think i had 4 captain and cokes and 1 white russian and I was done. Cory was our DD so he didnt drink at all.... Chris had a Budlight, 2 long island iced teass, 2 white russians, and 2 captain and cokes. that man can hold his liquor and i'm sure he would have drank more but we stopped him. anyways... i think we all passed out when we got back to the hotel, today we are just packing up and heading on home to do laundry and seeing what Sam has done or destroyed with the house. it was a fun weekend even though i picekd a bad hotel!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A trip down to the river
We took a ride down to the river today to have fun on the quad. We took Chris along with us and even though i got cold it was still fun. Wish we could afford to get a Rhino so that all of us could go out and ride at the same time.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Karate Tournament
Cory had a karate tournament today in Inman. It was quite small to say the least but it was good for Cory to get back into the swing of things with karate. He's been off of doing karate for at least 2-3 weeks due to some miscommunitcation with the black belt test. Oh well. So anyways Cory got first in Wegiht pull, first in team forms, and first in regular forms. He did very well. I really cant wait til I can do my first tournament... that should be in March sometime. that will be scary but exciting all at the same time. Oh well. This morning my mom emailed me saying my cousin who lives in Florida her father passed away in his sleep last night. I feel so bad for her and her family... I know exactly what they are going through. You never know when your parents are gone and you dont have them here for support... Its tough. This just makes me think back on all the good times I had with my dad. He was a very wonderful dad. I may not have shown it all the time but I really loved him. Sometimes he wouldnt have to say anything but I knew he cared and listened and tried his best. There was this one time i remember my mom flew out to California to visit/help my grandma after knee surgery and my dad and i were running the house on our own. He would always just go about the day to say activities and he really was there for me day in and day out. When he passed away on june 4th 2008 i thought i couldnt go through with getting married beause he was supposed to walk me down the isle, and I know deep down he was wanting to see his daughter get married. But God had other plans for him. He took him away from us all for some unknown reason. Cory's and my wedding day was very hard because I knew Dad should have been there.... but he was there in spirit. There is one picture i'll post on here if i can find it... But if you look closly at it behind me you can see an outline of something... we are not sure if its just the smoke from the candle or what but looking closly at it you can kinda see an outline for a jacket... like a mens' sport jacket. I really believe its my dad. Be as it may... I believe he was there with us all at our wedding. There's just certain things that Cory and I do individually that really remind me of him. For instance Cory's favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes and that was my dad's. Just small things just make me smile sometimes. I just really really miss my dad and will always miss him. Days are getting easier but I still think of him all the time. Okay sorry i'll stop rambling and hopefully change our background on this blog to something more manly because I dont think Cory likes' the flowers! Oh well! Hope everyone is enjoying 2009. 
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A night out....
Well Cory took Chris and I out last night for a few drinks. We were planning on going to McGraws but we went past and the parking lot was quite empty. So we drive around some more and went back to mcgraws parking lot still empty. We then ended up at Grand Slam which is at the Grand Praire hotel. We thankfully got there intime and found chairs at hte bar. Pretty much after we got there the bar got full and a DJ started. It was a fun time. Cory was our DD so he only had a Appltini which was very good if i say so myself. and then I had 5 captian and Cokes and then chris had a appletini, Captian and Coke, 42 ounce Long Island Iced tea, and then abpout a 20 ounce Long iSland iced tea. I was gone 3 sheets to the wind Cory had his hands full trying to get Chris and I into the house last night. apparently we are both really happy drunks. Oh well... It was a fun time... Need to get everyone from the wedding together again and head to Mcgraws or back to Grand Slam. We are trying to plan something for Cory's Birthday weekend Which is February 8th... He wants to start out at Hooters probably in wichita and head out to Grand Slam or somewhere else and he wants lots of people there!!! So plan on coming!! :)
Here's a pciture of me when i got home last night... notice how im hanging onto the counter for balance!!! 
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Well New Years Eve came and went. Cory and I were both sick... we ate something Tuesday night (Tyson's Chicken Fried Rice) and i went to bed not feeling the greatest i was up all night long.... starting at 12:30 until well morning.... Cory got up starting about 3 and was up ever since... We both got super sick and didnt do a thing yesterday. We stil ended up having a new years eve party with jason and krista last night. They brought their Wii over so that was fun to play with. Cory went to bed about 10:30 because he was getting sick again.... i actually wasfeeling much better. So once the new year was rung in then jason and family left and i went to bed it was about 12:30. cory and I both slept until 11:00 today and we both feel 100% better. Both hungry so i guess thats a good sign!! Yesterday I didnt eat hardly anything.. I had a 1/2 cup of jello and some soda crackers thats it. I did have to run to Kiwk Shop yesterday and get some sprite for us because that seems to be the only thing that settles our stomachs. I'm so glad we are both feeling much better today... going to be nice outside so maybe we'll get out and do something outside today. anyways.. I hope everything had a good new years eve and has a very happy new Year.
Happy 2009!!!!!!!
Love Stephanie and Cory K.
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