Nothing Compares to the love of a Father.....
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
2 months old!
madyson is now 2 months... went to dr yesterday and here's the stats...
Birth: 8 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches long
1 month: 9 pounds 8 ounces 21 long
2 months: 10 pounds 12 ounces 23 3/4 inches long
Dr said she's very healthy and happy baby!!!
She's sleeping through the night successfuly for about 2 weeks now!!! She'll go to bed between 7 and 8 and she'll sleep til 630 when i wake her up to feed her and get her ready to head to the babysitter's for the morning. Right now im only working 1/2 days so im done at 1:30 but in another week ill be back full time and she'll be at the neighbors house for babysitting!
She's really smiling these days!!! Love the toothless grins!!! :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A change
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Baptism 11/29/09
Madyson's baptism was today at cory's and my church here in Hutch. It was great. We both were sooooo worried about her screaming during the whole service but she didnt... she was perfect.. I couldnt have asked for a better baby.. She was wide awake and just sucked on her pacifier the whole time. When pastor pour the water on her she just squeaked and then was handed back to dad and was good again.... it was amazing! Jason and Amy were her sponsers!! :)
here's a few pictures of our time with Amy and Jeremy... and the Baptism!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Some more pictures...
Here's some recent pictures of Madyson. Can't believe she will be a month old on Sunday. Time is sure flying!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Madyson 3 Weeks Old
Can't believe our baby is 3 weeks old already..... She's growing quickly and eating more. She now weighs 8 pounds 9 ounces.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
She's such a good baby....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Madyson Rose
Well she's here.... after a long, tiring labor she arrived at 10:47Pm on 10/22/09. We arrived at the hospital on Thursday at 5:30Am and the nurses were waiting for us.... they hooked me up to the IV and started pitocin right away. Then it became a waiting game... i started having contractions which didnt feel like much right away. About 7:30 Dr. Neuschafer came in the room and broke my water then the contractions really started hurting. I was having contractions every 45-55 seconds... it was rough. The nurses said i could not have an epidural til i was at least 3 cm along. So, we waited...... and waited..... 7 hours later i finally was a 3. Got the epidural and life was great after that!! :) Then it still took about 5-6 hours to get to 10cm dilated. So, about 10:00 the nurses checked me and said okay we are gonna start pushing.... So i pushed for 45 minutes and out she came! :) It was quite the experience to say the least luckily Cory was a really great support and was helping me breathe through everything. Here's some pictures...
Madyson Rose
8 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches long!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Its Official!!
We have an induction date set up for October 22nd!!!! So miss Madyson will be here soon!!!! I will be 38 weeks this Thursday so when she comes i'll be 39 weeks!! The dr is actually out of town on our due date.. So we deicded to be induced to have him be our doctor!!!
More updates when the times comes...
Heres me at 37 weeks.......
Large and ready....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
36 Weeks!!
Today marks 36 weeks!! Yay!!!! Feeling tired and big and just wanting to be done and have the baby out!!! Soon enough. Cory's heading up to the diamond nationals next weekend.. so im going to go shopping for just a few more baby items and i think we'll be set!! :) Next Dr appt is Oct 6th... So we'll see if i've made any progress!
Here's a pic of me at 35 weeks..... Lovely I know!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
35 Weeks!
Well we are finally 35 weeks which means that at 37 weeks we could technically have a baby! Who knows when she will arrive though... but thats okay.... Im running out of patience I'm at the point of I want to see who she's going to look like and just have her out so we can play with her and dress her up. everyone keeps telling me that I will go early based on the fact that she has already turned and has dropped. So really it could only be a matter of time before we go. I have her diaper bag all packed up and ready to go now i just need to pack my bag and we'll be set. Cory's going up to the diamond nationals Oct 9-10 in Minnesota so i'll be alone and i'm just hoping that nothing happens while he's away because I know how much this tournament means to him. But we have told enough people that if something would happen he could hopefully get a quick flight back to Wichita and then his friend could drive back here. But anyways.... We just got back last night from a quick trip to Kansas City for a karate tournament and Cory placed first in everything so that was a good get away before the baby comes. Today I really think i'm going to finish up the nursery and pack my bag for the hospital.
Well thats about it.... it's officially Fall now so Happy Fall!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Madyson Rose's Nursery!
Here's just a few pictures of the "Almost complete" nursery. just need to hang the curtain and hang up a few things on the walls other then that its done!!!
I love it!!
Thanks to Mom and Amy and Cory for all working hard on getting the room ready this past weekend! :)
Mady's Crib...
Diaper Cake from Krista Norris and Mady's Dresser
Monday, September 7, 2009
Baby Shower
We had our baby shower this weekend.... It was really fun... had alot of friends and family come over to help us celebebrate. Here's a few pictures!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
1 Year Anniversary
Well Sunday was our 1 year wedding anniversary... we were at the lake all weekend which was ultra relaxing. It felt great to get away from everything here and literally just sit and do nothing. We didnt even get in the lake at all.. Cory didnt put the jetski in at all either... we just sat and relaxed outside.. I finished the book i was reading and we watched movies. Saturday night we went to Salina and ate out for dinner then back to the campground and had a realy good campfire where we roasted marshmellows. We brought the cat along for this camping trip... he did okay but let's just say he wont be coming with us EVER again... quite the rambuxious one at night... Anyways... i can't believe we've been married for a year already... doesnt seem possible.. the year has sure flown by. Now we have 2 months and baby madyson will be here and then i'm sure the years will fly by. I can't wait though. Im 31 weeks now and getting more and more anxious to meet this little girl and see whats been kicking me and making me get up and go to the bathroom quite often! LOL. As it is right now... if Madyson comes when she's supposed to due date of october 29th I will probably take 8 weeks of work because then i'll be able to get through all the holidays and go back to work the first of the new year... But we'll see what happens.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Koehn and Kowitz named 2009 Sunflower State Games Athletes of the YearFormer Kansas State and WNBA star Laurie Koehn has been named the 2009 Sunflower State Games Female Athlete of the Year. Koehn who resides in Hesston, played with the X-Women, a team comprised of former college basketball standouts from Kansas, hit the winning shot in the woman's basketball championship game to win the gold medal.
South Hutchinson's Cory Kowitz, 31, was selected Male Athlete of the Year after taking home two medals in the 2009 Sunflower State Games as well as a Gold Medal in the 2009 State Games of America. Looking for a chance to keep her skills sharpened over the summer, Laurie Koehn decided to participate in the 20th Anniversary of the Sunflower State Games. "I thought it sounded fun to be able to compete with my friends" Koehn says, "I love the fact that this event allows people of all ages to participate." A third degree black belt in Karate, Kowitz has won 86 medals since 1984 competing in local, regional and national tournaments. Now a Martial Arts instructor himself, Kowitz encourages his students to compete each year at the Sunflower State Games. "This event gives Kansas athletes a rare opportunity to take part in something special and to be recognized for their special talents" said Kowitz, Koehn and Kowitz have been nominated for the National Congress of State Games Athlete of the Year Awards, which will be presented at the NCSG Annual Banquet in Ames, Iowa in October.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Home from vacation and back to the ol' grind..
Well we made it back to Hutch from Colorado and have been back for about a week now. Cory is the 2009 State games of America champion.. He took home the gold for the state of Kansas. So Congratulations goes out to him. Now we are waiting to see if he is the 2009 athlete of the year for the sunflower state games! He's really getting his name out there for teaching karate which is what he loves to do. So good for him!! :)
Yesterday we went over to Wichita and we registered for baby stuff. That was fun! We went to Babies R Us first and realized they had everything we could think of... So basically everything is on that list but there are a few items on a Target Baby Registry. I was just not as impressed with Target for baby stuff they didnt seem to have alot of stuff. Oh well. I'm pretty pleased with what we do have picked out for Madyson! Hopefully she'll like it too when she comes!
Thats about all thats been happening here lately.. not much.. im still working at Kroger and has its good days and bad but all jobs have that... Cory's still here job hunting we're hoping to hear something soon about a few places!
Here's some more pictures from Colorado and also my husband grand Champion!
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