So I've been trying to head to Gensis pretty much everyday since about 2 weeks ago. I'm feeling more energized however I dont think its helping as far as gaining more muscle or anything.... Oh well guess i'll be continuing to work out and have nothing happen.... Gives me something to do while Cory's at karate 3 nights a week. Speaking of karate- Next weekend we will be flying to Minneapolis and Cory's particiapting in the Diamond Nationals karate Tournament.... We will be through for the whole weekend and I'll get to see my mom again and also my Maid of Honor Amy and her Boyfriend jeremy are all meeting us up there!!! :) Yay!! I can't wait. I cant wait to move back to Wisconsin at somepoint down the road. I like it here but really my friends are back home in WI and I think Cory can tell that its starting to get to me. Dont get me wrong.. I have friends here and they are wonderful but my closeests friends are back home and I really really miss them. its always such a tease when we go back to WI because we are there for such a short time that it just seems like never enough time to spend with family and friends. Oh well!!! Until we can move back guess I'll be enjoying the few long weekends we can manage to get up there!! We are still awaiting for the professional photo's from the wedding.. but we should be getting them anyday I would think. But I better get going and get soemthing going for dinner... Tomorrow is working out day at actually Cessna Fitness Center with Cory after he's done with work.... So thats a different change of pace rather then Genesis all the time. Hope everyone has a good weekend!!!!
This is just a picture of Fall at Home in WI :( Mom took it..... a bit early but tree's are starting to turn!